Friday 24 July 2015

Yes, Please by Amy Poehler

I finished reading this book this morning, it has taken some time but I can promise you it has definitely been worth it. After watching Parks and Recreation and falling madly in love with Leslie Knope and her unbeatable energy, I wanted to soak up everything Amy Poehler had to offer. I haven't read another book like this, although I am aware that there are several out there, I hope to read Tina Fey's book soon.

The book isn't quite an autobiography although it is very personal, she shares a lot of her innermost thoughts, and allows glimpses into her childhood, college days and her rise to stardom. I think what is most lovable about Amy Poehler aside from her humour and positivity is her ability to be so normal while she is so great. Everything she wrote, in spite of us being poles apart from one another, resonated with me. There is one chapter entitled 'How I Look' where she skillfully sums up every thought I have ever had about myself. She makes you think and laugh and smile and just appreciate all the blessings that have come your way.

Reading this book just further convinced me that I want her to be my best friend. I don't want to be her because she is one of those people that feel truly unique, I feel like I am never going to read a book like that which affected me so subtly yet importantly. She communicated some valuable messages and demonstrates just by being who she is that working hard can pay off, and just because you love what you do doesn't mean that sometimes you don't hate it.

It was one of those rare books I wanted to savour and so I didn't devour it hungrily in one night like I usually do, and I am glad I made that decision. Please if you get the chance read the book for yourself, for the most part utterly brilliant but like I mentioned I am in love with her so this review might be slighlty biased. I didn't notice any errors at all, the only issue I had with the book is that she mentions various drugs a lot, but again this does showcase her honesty. If you have read it or plan on reading it, please leave a comment below. And as always I am open to your recommendations

Best wishes,

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